5 Tips to Get the Most out of Gaming Experience.
Whether you lack the motivation to play videogames or you don't enjoy them as before; here are 5 tips to consider so you can get the most out of your gaming experience. Get back that enjoyment you had when you were a little kid.

1. Play what you feel like.
In today's day and age, we get caught in the trap of consumerism. We want to play the latest games so we can be in the trend with everyone else. Playing new games is cool, but it is not mandatory.

New games can be riddled with bugs or performance issues. Early adopters usually get a bittersweet experience because the game still was not fully optimized when they completed it. Games nowadays cost $70 and honestly, the price bump is not justified.
Maybe we are enjoying a great game at the moment but feel compelled to drop it just because a new title is released. Don't fall into this trap, you can get that 'new' game later on, once you have finished your previous one. Who knows, you might even find it at a discount just because you waited a couple of months.
2. Avoid falling into the trap of 'completionism'.
We get the notion that finishing a game consists of not only completing the story more, but of collecting everything and doing all the side quests as well. This is far from the truth. We get caught in this trap more now than ever.

Every console has trophies or achievements tied to every game you play. We want to check everything on the list, and our experience ends up feeling like a chore rather than fun. Remember, games are fun, and we meant to enjoy them.
Completionism will distract you from the real goal of the game, which is to entertain you. Don't get me wrong, there is a great sense of pride when you complete a game 100%, but you don't have to do it in one playthrough. You can finish a game, and pick it up weeks or months later to do the things you missed.
Some games even require you to get all the multiple endings so you can get a trophy. Imagine beating the game many times in a row to get all the endings. By the end of it, you will be completely jaded and fed up. Perhaps you will not pick up the game ever again.
Set achievable goals.
In single player games, focus on finishing the main story or doing things you enjoy at your own pace. Perhaps you want to upgrade a specific set of armor or weapons, focus on that instead of getting everything leveled up. Don't try to collect all the loot available.
Unlock a set of skills that suits your playstyle best. Stay away from achievements that require you to collect all weapons and armor.
In multiplayers like Call of Duty, you don't have to unlock all the 'camos' or blueprints on each season. Don't aim for a 'kill-death ratio (KDR) that's way above your skill. You will end up feeling frustrated each time you play.
3. Play different genres simultaneously.
It is recommended that you have a small list of games to play at the same time. They don't all have to be Triple A games, but it is recommended that their genres vary. For instance, if you play a couple of open-world, 3rd Person Action-RPGs, you can easily be overwhelmed by them.

Open-world RPGs are the daily bread for gamers. They provide substance and meaning on a day-to-to-day basis. They are perfect to be mixed along with other genres like sports games, or platformers; you can even throw an indie game to the mix.
Have a multiplayer game on the list.
Playing at least one multiplayer game on a regular basis will help you add a bit of variety to your gaming experience. Sometimes we get too lonely with single player games, so it is recommended to add a bit of competitiveness through multiplayer games.
It is important to keep your gaming sessions fresh through a varied list of genres. Playing the same game over and over again will cause fatigue, and you will stop enjoying your sessions.
4. Share your experiences with friends.
It is recommended that you play some of these games with your friends. There is nothing more fun than getting into Discord and playing your favorite games with your friends.

Today, we have a ton of options to choose from, and some are even 'free', like Warzone, Fortnite, Apex, etc. Games are now cross-platform so we can enjoy them with our friends without the system being a restriction. Even Discord is now available on PS5.
Finishing epic quests or beating everyone at a battle royale will strengthen your friendship with your peers. While playing, you can talk about virtually anything with your friends; having a laugh will definitely make your experience worthwhile.
5. Don't play for too many hours in a day.
Imagine getting the brand-new Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and finishing it in one weekend. You certainly missed a lot of things because you rushed through it. Long games are meant to be savored, just like a great book.

Playing for so many hours during the day will get you numb at one point. You will just cruise through the game rather than enjoy it. Savor each step you take, pay attention to what each NPC says, enjoy the view.
We can only do so much in a healthy amount of time. Don't over extend your sessions because you won't feel the same energy the next day, and you will burn out before you realize.