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10 Open-World Games with Beautiful Locations
Open-world games can be a fulfilling experience for gamers. Its locations can immerse us in its world instantly.

Far Cry 5: A Ubisoft Masterpiece
Far Cry 5 is an amazing open-world game where you explore Hope County, a rural area in the outback.

All Systems Go! Starfield Launches on September 6. Deep Dive on June 11.
All systems go! Starfield is bound for release on September 6. More information on June 11.

Nintendo Secures Call of Duty for Their Upcoming Next-Gen Console.
Activision has signed a 10-year deal to bring their staple Call of Duty franchise to Nintendo consoles.

Digital Games Will Win, Eventually
With the rise of digital media , the gaming industry has debated whether digital games are better, or will substitute physical media.

Make Your Own RPG!
The old adage says: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Grammar aside, it seems to be true in most aspects of life, including video games.

Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft will Miss E3 this year.
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft will miss the first ever in-person E3 after 4 years.

The Importance of Sound Design in Video Games
We might take it for granted, but videogames depend a lot on the player’s sensory experiences. Graphics are what usually grasp our...

What Type of Player Are You? Bartle Taxonomy in Video Games.
Bartle taxonomy is a system of classifying video game players into four categories based on their preferred behavior within the game.

5 Tips to Become Faster in Racing Games
You probably have reached a point where you are not getting any faster in racing games. Here are 5 tips that will help you overcome that!
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